Transparent & Competitive Fees

Get lowest rates through MerchantScout's acquiring network across multiple jurisdictions.

1. Merchant Rate

It's very simple. Choose between the Interchange++ or Blended rate models:


markup from 0.50%
Visa Mastercard Maestro fees
Each transaction is charged differently, depending on merchant's and cardholder’s issuing bank country and card type. The final rate is the sum of (1) the Interchange Fee and (2) the Card Scheme Fee, both set by Card Schemes (Visa/MC), and the markup set by payment provider. The final rate can be as low as 0.95% for EEA merchants with domestic payments. Interchange rates examples
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from 1.95%
Visa Mastercard Maestro fees
This is a more traditional method of applying a merchant rate, if you desire simplicity. Each transaction is charged with the fixed percentage fee. The final rate is determined by the provider upfront and it's based on risk category, sales volume and geographical distribution; it can be anywhere between 1.5% and 5.50%.
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2. Processing Fees & Terms

In addition to above rate, the below fees apply for most cases for EEA merchants:
Gateway transaction fee
€0.15 - €0.25
Fixed fee charged by the gateway provider for every transaction.
Transaction limitations
Based on risk profile there may initially be a monthly volume cap. Normally this will be removed after few months of steady processing.
Monthly maintenance fee
€0 - €20
Fixed monthly fee charged by the gateway provider for payment services.
MID setup fee
€0 - €100
One-time fee, deducted from first settlement. Charged by the provider or acquiring bank.
Bank annual registration
Some banks add their own additional MID opening fee. High-risk merchants in industries such as Adult and Gambling need registration with the Card Schemes which costs €500 per MID.
POS terminal lease
€18 - €35
Monthly fee for leasing a POS terminal, available to EEA merchants.
PCI compliance scan service
With merchants who are integrating via Direct API, a PCI compliance is required, which includes a quarterly PCI Scan Report performed by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). With some of our banking partners the services are included, otherwise the standard PCI scanning service costs €200-400 per year.
Refund fee
Fixed fee charged for every issued refund; a transaction where money is returned to the card from which a sale was made, either in its entirety or partially.
Chargeback fee
€15 - €25
Fixed fee charged for an incoming chargeback (dispute) request from cardholder, no matter the final result of the dispute.
Virtual Terminal
Fee for MOTO merchants who require access to a Virtual Terminal.
Payout delay
1 - 7 days
Number of days from when the batch of transactions is cleared to the day when a settlement is sent to the merchant's business bank account. For example, daily payouts with a 3 day delay means the net sale amount the merchant has processed on Monday is paid out on Thursday.
Funds Remittance
Daily - Weekly
Frequency of settlements of net sales volume to the merchant's business bank account.
Rolling Reserve
0% - 10% (90-180 days)
Standard security measure imposed by acquirers and payment providers to mitigate risks. Percentage taken from every settlement and released after 90-180 days.
Required Documents:
1. Certificate of Incorporation
2. Articles/Memorandum of Association
3. Appointment of directors
4. Shareholder registry
5. Bank account statement
The statement of a bank account used for settlements must be no older than three months and it must be in the name of the contracting merchant company. Bank Name, Beneficiary Name, Account #, IBAN, SWIFT should be clearly visible. Online bank screenshots are accepted if all mentioned requirements are met.
6. KYC for Owners & Directors
Scanned copy of a valid ID or passport of the UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) and/or Director signing the agreement, and the most recent Proof of Address (Utility Bill).
7. Credit card processing history
If you have previously been accepting card payments, please provide the weekly/monthly statements or screenshots from your payments provider. Merchant name, period, count and volume sum of monthly sales, refunds and chargebacks should be clearly visible.
8. Conditional documents
If required you may be asked to provide a business license (if regulated business type), financial statements (balance sheets and P&L) and supplier agreements.
9. Overlying company documents
If the applying company is owned by another parent company, a set of all of the above documents will be required for the parent company in order to identify the Ultimate Beneficial Owners.
Website Compliance:
1. Product/service details
Your website should present all details about offered products and/or services, with full & detailed pricing information.
2. Contact information
Legal name and registered address of your company, contact email address and phone number should all be clearly visible, for example on your ‘Contact Us’ section, or on the footer of the website.
3. Terms & Conditions
4. Policies
Refund/Return Policy, Shipping Policy, and Privacy Policy are mandatory on every website. These should outline how you handle request for refunds, returns, shipping and client information.
5. Credit card logos
Visa and MasterCard logos should be visible before or during checkout.
6. Domain ownership
Domain WHOIS must show the applying/parent company - or the owner - as the owner of the domain. If this is not the case, you'll be asked to provide the proof of domain purchase in an invoice from the hosting company or screenshot from your registrar.
7. Billing descriptor
The billing descriptor (text that appears on your client's card statement) must clearly be displayed during the checkout process on the payment form. For example: "You will see this charge appear on your credit card statement as [DESCRIPTOR]". This is usually your company/brand name.
7. Specific MCC compliance
Additional requirements may apply for specific MCC categories, such as Adult and Gambling. For example the age verification message which asks website visitors to confirm they are over 18.

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